WorkLab 2018
7th EAWOP Practitioner Skills Workshop

Positive Interventions to Increase Employee Work Engagement
8th to 10th November, 2018
Budapest, Hungary
EAWOP invites European practitioners working in the field of Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP) to join the 7th EAWOP Practitioner Skills WorkLab to be held 8-10 November, 2018. This year’s programme is focused on positive interventions to increase employee work engagement. Delegates will be introduced to job crafting, strengths use, and playful work design in order to maximise employee engagement. As always the programme will balance presentations of the latest research findings in an area and practical approaches to effective organisational interventions.
The workshop format will be similar to previous years; on Thursday evening we will set the stage for the workshop, followed by one and a half days with our speakers. There will be dedicated interactive sessions to facilitate the application of knowledge, tools and techniques provided in the WorkLab to delegates’ own contexts and challenges. Delegates are encouraged to bring their own case studies to develop during the programme.
We are proud to announce that our speakers are Professor Arnold Bakker, the influential scientist of positive organisational psychology from the Netherlands and Kristin Dille from Norway who has been leading organisational interventions for many years.
This year WorkLab delegates will be enjoying the historic city of Budapest and sampling its culture and heritage.

Positive Interventions to Increase Employee Work Engagement
The WorkLab aims to provide a platform for the latest scientific research to be brought to an audience of practitioners, who can thereby develop and enhance their professional practice and skills. The 7th EAWOP WorkLab is an interactive workshop event that provides opportunities to:
• Apply the latest insights of work engagement theory to your own practice
• Gain support and feedback from experts about own case studies
• Learn how to set up and monitor your own work engagement interventions
• Know when to time interventions to get the best outcomes
• Appreciate the importance of culture (both organizational and national) in achieving positive interventions
• Network with other Work and Organizational professionals to discuss and debate best practice
• Explore and sharing cross-cultural elements of Work and Organizational practice.
Click here to see the WorkLab programme.
WorkLab is open to EAWOP members and psychologists nominated by their Constituent associations ONLY. (Qualified psychologists can join EAWOP at
Nominees must be: a) practitioners working in WOP for at least two years; b) have an interest in applying/learning more about organizational and culture change, and c) able to evidence being inspired and committed to practitioner activities.
WorkLab fee subsidised by EAWOP:
Early bird rate until 3 September 2018
625 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
350 EUR limited places available for Low Income Countries
Regular rate until 15 October 2018
850 EUR for EAWOP members/Constituent nominations
550 EUR limited places available for Low Income Countries
* Low Income Countries: EUROSTAT
Delegates may bring an accompanying person; fee € 250 (this includes hotel accommodation for 2 nights, 2 dinners and a cultural event)
WorkLab fee must be paid in advance while registering and it includes:
Workshop participation
Hotel accommodation for 2 nights at the Aquincum Budapest
All lunches, dinners and refreshments during the conference
Cultural event.
Click here to download the registration form
Organising Committee:
Dr Angela Carter (UK)
Helen Baron (UK)
Dr Diana Rus (NL)