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2024 Call for Proposals

        Deadline extended to September 30th, 2024

EAWOP’s mission is to promote and support the development of Work and Organizational Psychology in Europe. One obvious way to do this is to get work and organizational psychologists from across Europe together to explore mutual interest and build collaborative networks.

With this purpose in mind, EAWOP has been funding regularly Small Group Meetings (SGM), which are small-scale research or practice-oriented conferences for 20-25 participants with an international group of delegates that aim to stimulate contact between EAWOP members, and to develop cross-national collaborative networks within Europe. As part of our ongoing commitment to fostering meaningful connections and driving innovation, we are excited to introduce a new series of strategic collaboration meetings aimed at bringing together leaders and influencers from various associations and groups of interest in Psychology to forge powerful partnerships and collaborative initiatives in the field of work and organizational Psychology

The EAWOP Executive Committee (EC) is happy to announce the opening of a new call for SGM proposals. It is proposed to support up to three Thematic Small Group Meetings and one Strategic Small group meeting.

The EC is seeking proposals for intensive, multi-day SGMs with an international range of delegates in which members of EAWOP play an active part. EAWOP members interested in organising a SGM are invited to submit a proposal to the EAWOP EC. The new deadline is September 30th, 2024

Thematic SGMs:

Like in the past, we support SGM dedicated to a specific topic. Funding is contingent on meeting the following conditions:

  • A multi-day meeting focused on a specific and important theme in work and organizational psychology.
  • The proposed meetings can have:
    • An academic focus aimed at advancing theory and research in a particular topic.
    • A practitioner focus aimed at advancing the practice of work and organisational psychology through collaboration with academics.
    • A policy orientation aimed at advancing the impact of work and organisational psychology academic and practitioners on policy in Europe, with the involvement of policy makers.
    • A combination of focus. Proposals that bring together policy makers, academics, and practitioners to approach organizational problems and potential solutions that can be implemented by policy makers are explicitly invited for submission.

The following criteria will be used for selecting the successful SGM proposals:

a) Theme relevance and novelty, especially themes for SGMs that that have not received EAWOP financial funds in the two latest calls. Information about previous SGMs is available on the website.

b) Themes that are timely and interesting.

c) Proposals that cover a wide scope of interest bearing in mind the diversity of EAWOP members (countries/academic and practitioner topics).

d) Proposals that reduce the gap between policy, research and evidence-based practice

Strategic SGMs:

A new initiative of EAWOP is to fund strategic SGMs which are dedicated to support the creation or of a collaborative network. Funding is contingent on meeting the following conditions:

  • A multi-day meeting focused on building bridges between different associations that share interests in work and organizational psychology such as ILO, SOHP, etc. and other groups of interest (for example focused on management, ergonomics, etc.).
  • The proposed meetings can bring together:
    • Leaders and representatives from different groups and association to foster meaningful partnerships and synergies with our association and design actions resources for greater impact.
    • Professionals and/or researchers from different groups to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and exchange of ideas.
    • Policy makers that contribute to enhancing the influence of participating organizations for improving work and organizational psychology.
    • A mixture of all the above.

The following criteria will be used for selecting the successful SGM proposals:

a) Proposals that highlight the expected impact of the collaboration between participating parties for the field of work and organizational Psychology, particularly for EAWOP

b) Proposals that highlight the policy, research, and practical implications of the collaboration

c) Proposals that cover a wide scope of interest bearing in mind the diversity of EAWOP members (countries/academic and practitioner topics).

d) Proposals that have clear plan for an enduring collaboration between parties.

All SMGs regardless of the modality should meet the following conditions:

  • Have a maximum of 25 participants, so that all participants can actively participate and present. Specific conditions for participants are:
    • At least 50% of the participants are EAWOP members in 2024.
    • Participants are from at least four different European countries.  Participation from European countries reflecting the broad constituent base of EAWOP is encouraged and participation from countries outside Europe is welcomed.
  • Offer the lowest possible costs to EAWOP members.
  • Responsibility for the organization lies with the local organizers, not with EAWOP.
  • Even though the actual participation in the small group meeting is restricted to 20-25 people, the meeting should yield a product available free of charge to the EAWOP members. To this end, the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology invites organisers to submit a position paper for publication in EJWOP. Note that publication is not guaranteed however, EJWOP’s editor makes the decision about needed revision and ultimate publication. In addition to the position paper, EAWOP encourages organisers to discuss the possibility of publishing an EJWOP special issue based on the SGM’s theme with EJWOP’s editorial team. In addition, the creation of an online resource of policy briefs for consideration by the EAWOP Impact incubator team is encouraged.

EAWOP offers a start-up budget up to 3,500 euro per meeting. This budget is intended for organisational costs. It is not meant to cover all costs – organisers are expected to actively seek additional funding. Moreover, it is explicitly meant for not-for-profit meetings only – funding is meant to keep costs to participating EAWOP members at a minimum (participation fees are always subject to EAWOP EC approval and in any situation cannot exceed the maximum of 120€ regular fee/60€ student fee). Please note that the SGM organisers will receive up to 1,500 Euros before the SGM and the remainder after the meeting (on the presentation of original invoices and the SGM reports requested). The requirements are presented below.

EAWOP funding is contingent on: (a) submission of a 3-4 page Executive Summary for publication on the EAWOP website; (b) submission of a short report about the event and the final account. Both documents should be delivered within a maximum of six weeks after the event. Invoice reimbursement is conditional to the delivery of these reports. The documents template will be given at the time of the SGM acceptance but are also available on the EAWOP Website. The submission of a position paper or a special issue to EJWOP within six months to one year after the meeting is strongly recommended. Moreover, in order to receive funding original invoices are required corresponding to the amount financed by EAWOP. These invoices should have EAWOP in the entity name. Additionally, for requesting the advance of the funding it is required to present the final program, a list of participants and a short description/justification of expenses.

EAWOP members or Constituents interested in organising a SGM between this call and December 2025 are invited to submit a proposal to the EAWOP EC by emailing a proposal to Ana Hernández ( The submission deadline is September 30th, 2024.

The proposal should follow the proposal template available on the EAWOP website. It is mandatory to contain the following:

  • Modality: Thematic SGM or Strategic SGM
  • Title and description of the SGM, including a rationale for its importance in European work and organizational psychology.
  • Dates and place of the meeting (NB: please note that the distribution of the open call for papers requires substantial lead-time for interested parties to respond well in time for the meeting)
  • Organising committee and contact person.
  • Budget, including plans to secure additional funding.
  • Plan for the distribution of the call for papers and working plan.
  • Names of 10 EAWOP members from at least four different countries committed to participating in the meeting (NB: this is to assess the viability of the meeting; with the remainder of participant places being open to competition).

For what concerns the date of the proposed SGM, applicants should also mention if they have some date flexibility or not. The EC might ask some proponents to organise the SGM at another time to avoid SGMs being held at the same time.

Funds are to be spent by December 2025 at the latest and EAWOP will withdraw funding if allocated monies are not spent by this time.

For further information, please contact Ana Hernández (