Fostering healthy organizations: A cross-cultural perspective

EAWOP SGM Florence, October 19-20, 2017
Fostering healthy organizations: A cross-cultural perspective
Organized by Prof. Annamaria Di Fabio – University of Florence
Promoted by the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP)
October 19-20, 2017 - University of Florence, Italy
The EAWOP Small Group Meeting (SGM) is a workshop of two days organized by the University of Florence (Italy) and promoted by the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP, The goal of the EAWOP SGM is to share contributions regarding research, instruments, method and interventions that will offer new or innovative perspectives to foster healthy organizations and healthy business in line with a cross-cultural perspective.
Because of the innovativeness of the topic, as it represents a new research domain, participants are kindly asked to submit a research proposal based on the provided guidelines.
OVERVIEW. A research challenge is to study healthy organization and healthy business in a cross-cultural perspective. Health psychology deals with cross-cultural themes, studying the influence of cultural beliefs, norms and values on illness, health and health care (Kazarian & Evans, 2001). It is focused for example in health care practice in a multicultural context, cross-cultural differences in illness models, health promotion, disease prevention, and quality of life in a cross-cultural perspective (Kazarian & Evans, 2001). Also occupational health psychology deals with cross-cultural aspects, referring to a cross-cultural organizational health psychology (Chang & Spector, 2011). Different themes typical of occupational health psychology was treated in a cross cultural perspective as for example health and well-being (Burke, 2010) and occupational stress focusing on a perspective of the stressor-strain relationships within the context of cross-cultural and cross-national studies (Chang & Baard, 2011). This framework calls for a cross-cultural perspective for the study of healthy organization and healthy business, comparing various cultural contexts especially passing from the developed economy to emerging economies (Raya & Panneerselvam, 2013).
AIM. The present SGM intends to provide innovative contributions, regarding research, instruments, method and interventions, focused on fostering healthy organizations, enriching the scenario in a cross-cultural perspective. The present SGM aims to compare research experiences conducted in different countries or conducted by researchers from several countries, in relation to three principal thematic areas: 1) new ways of conceptualizing healthy organizations and organizational relationality (e.g., prosocial organizational behavior, organizational citizenship behavior, workplace civility, organizational justice, organizational emotional intelligence; acceptance of change…); 2) the relation between ethical, sustainable, servant, benevolent, health-promoting leadership and healthy organizations: which leadership for healthy organizations in the XXI century? 3) evaluation of specific interventions to foster healthy organizations and healthy business. The SGM will be focused on enhancing the framework of the prevention of psychosocial risks through the lens of relationality in organizations, considering both the importance of intervention evidence-based and accountability, included the evaluation of specific interventions to foster healthy organizations and healthy business.
SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS. An abstract based on the guidelines (up to 300 words) should be submitted by July 21, 2017 (May 8, 2017) to (please, specify the email object like this “Submission ‘Fostering healthy organizations: A cross-cultural perspective’”). Each contribution will be evaluated at least by 2 peer reviewers, according to the relevance to the SGM topics, significance of the contribution, and originality. Submissions should be structured as follows: purpose of the contribution, design/methodology, results, limitations, conclusion/implications. Please, also describe the originality of your contribution. Participants will be notified regarding the acceptance of their paper by July 25, 2017 (May 15, 2017).
FULL PAPERS AND GUIDELINES. Full papers should be submitted by September 14, 2017 (May 22, 2017 so that they can be made available to all participants before the meeting. Full papers should be comprised between 4.000 and 6.000 words (including list of references, figures, and tables). Figures and tables can be embedded in the text. The first page, on which the paper body begins, should include the title, authors (including affiliation and contact email of each author), abstract (up to 150 words), and keywords (up to six). Citation style must be formatted according to the APA style 6th edition (for more information, please visit
PUBLICATION OF PAPERS. There will be a special issue regarding the subject of the SGM:
- Special Issue of Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment (JPA; Sage. This scientific journal is on Scopus and Web of Science); +
- Furthermore the SGM organizers will negotiate with European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (EJWOP; Routledge. This scientific journal is on Scopus and Web of Science) some possibilities for publishing the best paper submissions.
More information about the Special Issues guidelines for submission will be provided to selected papers at the workshop.
REGISTRATION. For the contributions to be qualified as oral presentation during the SGM and to be selected as paper to be published inside the Special Issues, it is required that at least one of the authors will confirm the participation to the meeting. No registration fee is required.
MORE INFORMATION. To receive more information please, contact Annamaria Di Fabio (